Nomade Atelier, A Mexican Design Studio

Published on: Aug 6, 2019

Nomade Atelier

Founded in 2012 by Diana Quintero Vallejo and Ismael Bachri, this exclusive design and production workshop called Nomade Atelier counts with a team of distinguished artisans, architects, and visual artists. And today, My Design Week brings you an exclusive interview. So keep on reading if you wanna find out more about their vision about interior design.

“We love that we can be creative together, that we can imagine an object, or space and then start talking about it, looking for inspiration, work one on one with the exchange of ideas that are very personal and come from very special places in our visual culture”, explained Vallejo and Bachari.

Nomade Atelier, A Mexican Design Studio
Image Credit: Nomade Atelier

Originally from France, Ismael Bachri moved to the busy Mexico city to pursue his dream of becoming a renowned designer. “I am very happy and proud to have achieved one of the most important goals for me, but I hope to be young enough in mind to say that I have not achieved everything.” Through this crazy life-changing experience, the founder of Nomade Atelier faced several obstacles in her journey when he decided to quit his job in an architecture office and move to a country where he had to learn a new language! “I overcame it by working with Diana and finding this creativity synergy where we had no limits or fears”, explained Bachri.

Nomade Atelier, A Mexican Design Studio
Image Credit: Nomade Atelier

By using Mexican materials of the best quality and the most practical solutions to complement the artisanal manufacture of each object, the Nomade Atelier gives special value to work and crafts that use manual tools and medium machinery. “It is one thing that we are still learning, we are not stuck to our social networks because we consider that it takes a lot of time away from what we really care about doing, so we consider ourselves a bit old school in this sense”, explained the Nomade Atelier team. On the other hand, Diana Quintero Vallejo main obstacle was to forget her old professional habits and routines, to embrace new challenges and learn new production methods and “languages” in the design industry. The co-founder of the renowned Nomade Atelier confesses that she “always liked to work and learn new media, so little by little I was overcoming the fear of the new challenges that arose, and of course, I wasn’t alone I had the best partner to do it”. Luckily Vallejo has fulfilled most of her childhood dreams thanks to her hard work and commitment skills. “Although I have fewer dreams on the list, I think it is very important to always have dreams to give us drive in life.”

Nomade Atelier, A Mexican Design Studio
Image Credit: Nomade Atelier

Always working with a network of local family workshops, Nomade Atelier is specialized in materials that are falling into disuse due to their synthetic or industrial substitution. “We work a lot on residential projects, space planning, and tailor-made pieces. Our main client is someone who already has a certain culture of art and design, who appreciates the history, the materials and the quality in the making of each piece. It is someone who wants and values each piece as unique.” Inspired by their massive cultural baggage and artistic and architectural experiences, they believe that their signature design style is simple yet elegant!

All of the bespoke product designs that the Nomade Atelier team used in their inspiring projects result of their hard work and dedication. “When we collaborate with another
brand or producer, it is important to know that it is a joint work, where each one puts the
best of themselves.”

Nomade Atelier, A Mexican Design Studio
Image Credit: Nomade Atelier

When questioned about the most inspirational personalities in the design world, the Nomade Atelier team didn’t share the same opinion. Ismael considers that Jean Prouvé is one of the most inspiring names in the industry thanks to his research in the science of materials, which allowed the development of new technologies, forms, and concepts to create innovative industrial products.

On the other hand, Diana thinks that Clara Porset, founder of the School of Industrial Design at UNAM, is one of the biggest role models for the new generations since she was the pioneer of modern design in Mexico. “She developed beautiful and comfortable pieces using traditional craftsmanship in an environment that sought then to identify and reformulate aesthetically, industrially, socially and culturally”, explained Diana Vallejo.

Nomade Atelier, A Mexican Design Studio
Image Credit: Nomade Atelier

They believe that the line between arts and design is starting be quite thin, since, in today’s industry the final product has its own narrative (no matter the brand) thanks to the reassessment of design and its production method. “The design of sculptural objects with functionality and spaces or renders that are more like paintings than living spaces is very fashionable”, clarified Diana Vallejo from Nomade Atelier.

Image Credit: Nomade Atelier

High-quality craftsmanship techniques are one of the biggest foundations of these designers inspiring work. “We love to think that Italy continues being the leader in terms of craftsmanship since they have a very old knowledge of all the processes of production of objects of very high quality and their capacity to reinvent these artisan processes from generation to generation in a highly globalized world.” For the near future of the design industry, the Nomade Atelier would like to have a re-evaluation of the artisan, the conscious reduction of fast design that will return us to the use of natural materials that did not go through a very strong industrial process, without so much waste, that would make us own fewer objects with more value in itself.” Currently, the Nomade Atelier team is working on several new projects with the goal to search for new ideas. “New ways of experiencing a piece of design is in our DNA as a studio and we would love to collaborate with new producers to experiment with new materials and production processes”.







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