Eating well: Food and Nutrition myths
Today My Design Week gives you something a bit different on ‘Food Week’: Food myths busted. Even though behind each myth, there is a hint of truth, here are some tricks to eating well.
Chocolate causes acne
Well, not true. Over the years studies have shown there is no between chocolate and skin problems. (actually, no specific foods have been proven to cause acne) Of couse, eating to much chocolote will be prejudicial for your health. Moderate consumpltion might even be good for you. It’s summer, go ahead and have some ice cream.
Eating after 8 pm
‘you burn the food you ate during the day and at night food turns into fat’. Guess what? Not true as calories can’t tell time, obviously. You should avoid late night snacks, let’s say, half and hour before going to bed. Night eaters tend to overeat, and overeating is what makes people get fatter.
Eating small portions
‘if you eat small several times a day, you will burn calories more efficiently and lose weight’. Although some foods may add to your metabolism (caffeine for example), eating small doesn’t help losing weight. Changing the amount of food you eat does not help you get slimer, unless you overeat. There are better techniques like exercising as your body is mostly muscle.
Coffee helps losing weight
The teory is that caffeine acts as an appetite suppressant and a metabolism booster. Even though coffee may temporarely make you feel less angry, drinking several cups won’t make you lose weight. And drinking too much coffee may lead to anxiety, sleeplessness, and an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
Radioactive Microwave
When we think of radiation, the first thing that comes to mind is nuclear plants. Radiation refers to energy travelling in waves that spread out as it goes. Micro waves in microwaves make the water particules in food vibrate creating heat. “Microwave cooking is really no different from any other cooking method that applies heat to food.” says Robert Brackett, Ph.D., director of the National Center for Food Safety and Technology at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Going on a diet is the best way to lose weight
Switching your normal food ingestion for a temporary plan is the best way way to lose weight. So WRONG. On the short term you might lose some weight due to less calories. However, it when you go back to your normal diet, you will gain everything back. Instead of going on a diet, change the way you eat by having less junk food or overeating. Remember if you eat well and exercice regularly, you won’t have weight problems.
“You crave certain foods because you’re deficient in one of the nutrients they provide.” Actually, food craving is related to emotional needs, says Marcia Pelchat, Ph.D., a researcher at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia: “Cravings tend to occur when your diet is restricted or boring, or when you know that you can’t have something,” Why don’t you try googling ‘food cravings and emotions chart’? Try it. Then click on images.
Sources: Eating Well and Real Simple