Top 5 Design Hotels in São Paulo

So, in São Paulo for the Fashion Week? Then, you have to stay in a top Hotel. My Design Week, gives you the top 5 design hotels in São Paulo. Book before it is too late!


Hotel Unique São Paulo

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It is a unique reference to modern architecture and originality. On the rooftop, besides the pool, the Unique Hotel has an amazing view over the city. See more here.





It is a fine example of luxury hospitality. “Guests experience authentic and modern Brazilian sophistication through contemporary ambiance, refined cuisine and singularly warm service.”. Was designed by locar architect Arthur Casas. See more here.


L’Hotel Porto Bay São Paulo

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A hotel offering an European design ambience. It is the most exclusive boutique hotel in Sao Paulo. See more here.


Grand Hyatt São Paulo


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One of best Luxury hotels in Sao Paulo just at United Nations Avenue and the financial district. See more here.


The Fasano

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Design by local architects Isay Weinfeld and Marcio Kogan, it is considered the best hotel in São Paulo due to the dining experience its restaurant offers. See more here.


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