Seminar Series at HPMKT with High Tech

The High Point Market Authority (HPMA) has partnered with Design Tech Summit to develop a seminar series for Fall Market (October 17-22, 2015) focusing on topics at the intersection of design, innovation and tech. Aptly named High Tech at Market, topics will range from social media and customer engagement to e-commerce, digital branding, product innovation, and the all-inclusive IOT.

Maison Valentina Silk Vessel Sink

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Design Tech Summit is bringing design, technology, business and innovation big-picture conversations about the future of the design and home furnishings industries to High Point Market through seminars, events, guest speakers, progressive programming and round table discussions, which will be led by those actively reinventing the industry. Candid conversations about how technology is changing the way in which we compete, why controversy is good and can fuel serious discourse about competitiveness, and why exploring frontiers in innovation and tech can prepare us for global shifts that will continue to challenge us as we move closer to 2020.

The High Tech at Market initiative can be found throughout Fall Market and will be a consistent theme moving forward. More information on the events below, as well as future events, can be found at Sessions being offered this October include:

Growing Your Design Business – Determination Meets Automation
Sunday, October 18, 2pm, Leif Petersen, 220 Elm, Suite 328
Sponsored by 220 Elm,, and Leif Petersen Furniture,

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See how big design firms use automation to accomplish more in every aspect of their businesses. Implementing systems to generate leads, target their marketing and social media, attract the best clients, and perform phenomenal customer service, they create a direct and positive impact on the bottom line. Learn how you can profit from these proven technologies by growing sales, getting organized, saving time, and maximizing resources. Presented by an Infusionsoft Small Business Growth Expert,

See also: New products at High Point Market that you cannot miss

The Future of Design – The Necessity of Innovation
Sunday, October 18, 3pm, Universal Furniture, 101 S. Hamilton St.
Sponsored by Universal Furniture,

High-profile panelists challenge traditional business models and candidly discuss the mounting pressure placed on designers and retailers alike. In this no-holds-barred discussion about customer engagement and brand loyalty, our expert panelists will show you how to stand out as they demystify a world where the lines between interior design services, brick and mortar stores and online commerce are increasingly blurring.

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Panelists: Moderator – Stacy Kunstel, Homes Editor – New England Home, Regional Editor – Traditional Home & Better Homes and Gardens, and Co-Founder – Dunes and Duchess
Frank Ballabio, Dering Hall
Sara Ledterman, Adorno Magazine
Kevin Litt, Adornably
Jason Oliver Nixon, Madcap Cottage
Stacey Tiveron, Steelyard

Measurable ROI Doesn’t Just Happen – It’s Driven by Storis
Monday, October 19, 3pm, Design Evolution Furniture, 220 Elm. Suite 310
Presented by Kyle Mulvaney & Lindsey Scapicchio, Storis,
Sponsored by 220 Elm,, and Design Evolution Furniture,

Retailers do not buy inventory and then turn around and sell it for a loss. That inventory is purchased to drive revenue and profit. Nor should retailers buy software unless it too drives revenue. Find out how you can measure positive ROI in sales, operations, finance, inventory, logistics and merchandising to turn any software purchase into a growth-producing investment.

The Designers Toolbox: Technologies Designers Love
Tuesday, October 20, 2pm, MAT the Basics, 220 Elm, Suite 304
Presented by Laurel at Sunset,
Sponsored by 220 Elm,, and MAT the Basics,

The most successful designers are always on the hunt for new and innovative ways to sell. They aren’t afraid to challenge today’s reality to build a better future. At Laurel at Sunset, they help designers utilize state of the art virtual and mobile tools to create a brighter and more profitable future. Whether it’s visualizing a space in 3D or turning your iPhone into a measuring tool, join Laurel at Sunset as they offer intuitive design solutions to help you succeed with your design clients during this interactive discussion about tools that will transform your design business and retool your brand.

High Tech at Market partners include the High Point Market Authority, North American Home Furnishings Association (NAHFA), WithIt, Interior Design Society (IDS), Asheville Distilling Company, Design Camp, 220 Elm, Soft Design Lab, and Universal Furniture. To learn more or to get involved by becoming an industry, association, media or leadership sponsor, please contact Katy Garrett,, or Shannon Leclair,

Design Tech Summit is also developing an Opening Day Event for April 2016 Market, featuring keynote speaker Polly LaBarre, founding member of Fast Company magazine and co-author of the bestselling book Mavericks at Work: Why the Most Original Minds in Business Win, as well as other notable speakers. This program will take place in the High Point Theatre on Saturday, April 16, 2016, from 9:30am – 11:00am.

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About the High Point Market Authority
The High Point Market Authority,, is the official sponsor and organizer of the High Point Market in High Point, N.C. Featuring an extensive selection of exhibitors spanning every category, style, and price point, and attracting tens of thousands of visitors from more than 100 countries twice each year, the High Point Market is the driving force of the home furnishings industry. Find the High Point Market anywhere online, and follow on Twitter using the hashtag #hpmkt.

See more: BD New York Designer of the Year

About Design Tech Summit
Design Tech Summit,, is an educational leader for the home design industry and its partners. Created by and for progressive thought leaders, Design Tech Summit helps design professionals explore the intersection of design, innovation and tech, leverage new ideas about competition, adopt business and media strategies beyond traditional boundaries, chronicle the changing landscape of commerce and highlight individuals and the teams who are inspiring us to build a more aggressive, design centric future for business. As an educational partner at leading trade shows, professional associations and international events, we invite our professional network of designers, retailers, exhibitors, technology companies and colleagues to share innovation, strategies and inspiration to help provide the framework and the courage to reinvent and re-imagine a better world surrounding the business of design.
Source: High Point Market press release

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